Saturday, 1 September 2012

Reading Activities - Week 8

Reading Activities 

Group 1 

Group 2

Each groups is to work through the activities in your reading work book.  Please hand in your books at the end of each session for marking.

Homework - Week 8 - 9

Homework - Week 8 -9

Using the chapter book that you are reading at the moment. Pick 5 of the following activities. Publish you work in an interesting way -  Friday Week 9
1. Make a picture of the 2-3 characters in the story. Cut them out, on the back list the traits, students can them play a character guessing game.
2. Make a time-line of events either in pictorial or in written form.
3. Pretend you're a news reporter and provide an oral broadcast of the story.
4. Make a trivia game about the story.
5. Make a jeopardy game about the story.
6. Use puppets to help you re-tell the story.
7. Make a comic strip of the story.
8. Use a Venn to compare two characters in the story.
9. Write or state clues about your story to see if others can guess which story you read.
10. Write part 2 or a sequel to the story.
11. If you could be in this story, decide which person you would be and tell why.
12. Make a list of everything in the story that could be fact or fantasy.
13. Prepare a commercial to sell this book to somebody who hasn't yet read it.
14. Create a poster to spark interest in others to read the book.
15. Write 5 questions that somebody who has read the book should be able to answer.
16. Design a new cover for this book.
17. Make a list of what makes a good book.
18. If you had to buy something for each of the characters, what would they be and why?
19. Is there a problem in the story? How was it solved? How could it be solved in another way?
20. Write the author telling him your opinion about the book and why.

Week 8 Activities

Group 1 - Reading Activity

Work through the following activities in your reading work book.  Hand in each day.

Group 2 - Reading Activity

Work through the following activities in your reading work book.  Hand in each day.

Maths Time

Maths Group Computer Time Activities

Maths Homework


Practice this interactive basic facts sheet each night.